You’ve Transferred Elsewhere — Now What?

More from David and Christina on what to do after you’ve transferred to a new college!


“We’re Movin’ on Up” – Blog Post #2: Getting Noticed

Some students want to be known far and wide on campus, get involved in numerous activities, and are always the ones answering queries in class. On the other hand, there are some students that head to class and then are ready to get out of there to go do other things. There are, of course, many variations to these situations but generally students either want to get noticed on campus or they don’t.

Let’s look at some of the positive aspects of getting involved verses not getting involved at your new school and getting noticed in a positive way. The hope is that if you are interested in getting noticed it isn’t for negative reasons :-). 

Getting Involved

Not Getting Involved

Meet new people Time to focus on academics
More school spirit and pride More time for gainful employment
Boosts professionalism Less stress
Resume building Fewer commitments overall

Alright, pretty simple explanations here but they are worth thinking about! Getting involved is going to help you meet new people and can give you a lot of pride in your new school. When you as an individual are seen and heard often it will boost personal professionalism because you will care about what image others see of you. And, the obvious, the more co-curricular activities you have the more bulk for your resume.

If you are not involved at your new school it gives you more time to focus on the increasingly more difficult classes. Also, sometimes it is very difficult to get a job if you are involved on campus as well. While the stress of competing in a sport, planning an event, or leading a group of students isn’t necessarily bad stress it is more on your plate that you might not need.

Now, based on what you know about yourself and what has worked for you in the past coupled with the knowledge in this blog make a general decision about whether to get involved at the new school or not.

In the next blog post we will discuss HOW TO effectively get involved or not get involved at your new campus it is a little more tricky than at Genesee. Lets figure it out together, keep reading folks! 😉

Feel free to contact us with any questions and check back soon for more fun filled posts!

David Dodge                         Christina Bakos
University at Buffalo            SUNY Fredonia


Life After Genesee

Yes, there is such a thing! ::grin::

David and Christina graduated from Genesee in May 2010 and transferred to UB and Fredonia, respectively. They loved their time at Genesee and found that, well, not every place is Genesee. That’s good and it’s not so good.

They (probably David, mostly) are going to write an occasional series of posts of what to do once you get to your new school. Here at Genesee, we can and will help you to get there… what happens next is mostly up to you.

From David:


“We’re Movin’ on Up” – Blog Post #1: Introduction

Hello, my name is David Dodge and I am an English major at the University at Buffalo. Prior to attending UB I was a student at Genesee where I enjoyed doing so many amazing things like being the Student Government Vice President and going on an alternative break experience to New Orleans.

I am here with my friend Christina Bakos who also went to Genesee and is now a student at SUNY Fredonia. While at GCC, Christina was the Student Government secretary and pioneered the CEO club’s product Apple Cider Syrup. We are here to give you an in depth look at transferring. You will have many people ask you, “where are you transferring to?” However, almost no one will ask you what you think the first few weeks at your new school will be like. Well, we are here to talk to you about that very question.

Keep checking back for blog posts in this category. We will discuss how classes, people, extra activities, and sports are different when you move on up to your new college. Whether your new school is bigger or smaller than GCC there is a wealth of things to consider and we want to help you in any way that we can.

Feel free to contact us with any questions and check back soon for more fun filled posts!

David Dodge                         Christina Bakos
University at Buffalo            SUNY Fredonia

Life After Genesee

Yes, there is such a thing!

Actually, I should be calling this something creative like “Tales of a Transfer” but… hmmm…

Wait. I was getting somewhere with this.

David Dodge and Christina Bakos graduated from Genesee last May and are now attending UB and Fredonia, respectively. (Okay, that means David is going to UB and Christina is going to Fredonia. If it makes you feel better I still get “former” and “latter” mixed up!) They loved their time at Genesee and were heavily involved in clubs and SGA while they were here.

Going to bigger, 4-year schools was an eye opener. David and Christina have kept in contact over the past year, comparing notes about their experiences at their new schools. What they would like to do is share some of what they’ve learned.

Over the next several weeks, they will be writing a blog post for me to share with all of you. David explains it best:

“As a student here at GCC you think a lot about classes, homework, sports, and other events. Hopefully, you have also started thinking about where you might like to transfer and what that process will be like. I bet though that you haven’t really considered what those first few weeks at your new school will be like. This series of transfer blog posts will not talk about the transfer process to get you to the next school – that’s a conversation we can have another time. No, instead, these posts will focus on what to expect once you are there.”

So, watch for that! I have a new “transfer” category and tag just for these posts, so you can use that to see the collection as it builds.